In 2020, the European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI), ranked PlagScan and Urkund as the best providers of text-matching software globally. 15 products from across the world were tested for their performance, language coverage and usability.
Not only were Plagscan and Urkund the only systems that supported all features in terms of usability, but both also had the highest scores in the performance and language coverage categories.
The main goal of the tests was to compare usability and coverage of the available tools. The criteria for comparison and rating covered different aspects – from how many documents can be processed at the same time to how evidence and matches were highlighted and showcased; and from how accessible and understandable the analysis report was to its presentation.
The report took into consideration the different ways in which plagiarism occurs, the ways in which it is disguised and detected by academia. Also, the limited time instructors in academia have for checking submitted work and other challenges faced due to that, were acknowledged.
You can read the entire report here: ENAI report
About Ouriginal
Ouriginal was established in 2020 when two of the industry’s leading giants, Urkund and PlagScan, joined forces to improve academic integrity and promote original thinking. With more than three decades of combined knowledge and expertise, Ouriginal delivers cutting-edge technology that helps enhance the potential of students to think originally, saves time for teachers when evaluating assignments and assists corporates preserve their reputation.
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