




Encouraging originality in students: Why it starts with training the teachers

The Growing Importance of Originality in Business Copyright Infringements and Plagiarism in the Remote Work Era

In academia, teachers and instructors are constantly trying to ensure that the work submitted by their students is original; in other words, written by themselves. There are several tools available in the market to help with this process. However, what we should remember is that fostering originality and academic integrity differs across institutions and disciplines. […]

ASU+GSV Summit

Ouriginal Study 2020: Numerical Analysis of EdTech Solutions’ Usage Patterns During the Pandemic

Ouriginal Study 2020 Download our study here

The Future of Writing Style Analyses: Ouriginal Metrics as a Learning Analytics Tool

In the last two parts of this series (part 1, part 2) on computational linguistics and writing style analytics, we mostly discussed how stylometry can be used to detect ghostwriters. Besides this scenario, Ouriginal Metrics could also be used as a learning analytics tool to analyze students writing styles, help them to improve their writing skills.

Informe de originalidad

Informe de originalidad Have a look at an originality report Curious to see how a report from Ouriginal looks like? Fill in the form to access a sample report from Ouriginal. The interface is designed to be as intuitive as possible but we all need a guiding hand at times and here you’ll find a […]

False positives: Why are they important and why must software algorithms learn and adapt

A common threat in the fight against plagiarism is to not recognize so-called “false positives” and to underestimate their importance. But first, let us understand what false positives are and why are they a big deal.

Computational Linguistics To Uncover Ghostwriters And Unfair Contract Cheating – And Its Limitations

According to previous theoretical discussions and experimental results in stylometry, genre and topic interference can make differentiation between authors harder. This is because shared word and phrase usage that accompanies writing on the same topic as well as the writing conventions for particular genres make it difficult to identify a strong authorial signature to be used for author verification.